Vladimir Odintsov
29.11.2022 Vladimir Odintsov

Having an important geostrategic position and being an essential link in the development of cooperation between Central and South Asia as well as in regional security issues, Afghanistan has attracted a lot of attention from its regional neighbors. The Central Asian countries, objectively interested in multifaceted cooperation with all their neighbors, see Afghanistan not only...

25.11.2022 Vladimir Odintsov

According to a growing number of analysts in various countries around the world, the liberal world order that was established on the planet after the end of the Cold War in the interest of the United States is crumbling before our eyes and is definitely doomed. The Economist magazine, which is owned by the Rothschild family – the main bankers of the British financial...

09.11.2022 Vladimir Odintsov

The United States’ energy war unleashed against Russia, followed by the gas terrorism of sabotaging Russia’s gas pipelines to Europe, Nord Stream 1 and 2, is causing outright rejection of this adventurous policy on the part of the international community. It is not only the citizens of Europe, having become hostages of the USA as a result of such activity, who have...

26.10.2022 Vladimir Odintsov

The blatantly incorrect actions of the current German government towards Russia, in particular its active support for the fascist regime in Kiev and its passivity in the events surrounding Nord Stream, have forced Moscow to look for more reliable partners, including outside the EU. This was especially true of Russian cooperation in the gas sector, where...

23.10.2022 Vladimir Odintsov

In their recent speeches, representatives of Russia and Iran have very positively described the intense contacts between the two countries, assessing visits, meetings and negotiations of the officials of both countries as a steady and unwavering will of these states aimed at shaping a “new era” of mutually beneficial...

21.10.2022 Vladimir Odintsov

The sixth summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA) - an international forum uniting the states of the Asian continent with the mission of strengthening relations to ensure stability and security in the region - has ended in Astana. Official representatives of more than 30 states of the Asian...

19.10.2022 Vladimir Odintsov

At the recent Russian Energy Week (REW) forum, Russian leader Vladimir Putin made it clear that there is no doubt today that the Nord Stream incident is an act of international terrorism in its newest form. The aim of the attack was to undermine the energy security of the entire continent, cynically blocking the access to cheap Russian energy for the people...

15.10.2022 Vladimir Odintsov

In recent days, many media outlets have rushed to publish “sensational reports” that Lebanon and Israel have reached an agreement on the demarcation of the maritime border. Of course, the US and Israeli media have been particularly active in publishing such information, presenting...

13.10.2022 Vladimir Odintsov

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, who was visiting Tripoli on October 3, signed with Najla Mangoush, Foreign Minister of the Government of National Unity (GoNU), memoranda on cooperation between the two countries in the oil and gas sector, including joint exploration. The deals were also signed by the North African country’s Minister of Economy and Trade...

04.10.2022 Vladimir Odintsov

As is already well known, referendums were held in the LPR and DPR as well as in Kherson and Zaporozhye regions from September 23 to 27 on the issue of giving up belonging to Ukraine and becoming part of the Russian Federation. They were monitored by a large number of foreign observers who confirmed the free will of the inhabitants of these regions and compliance...

04.10.2022 Vladimir Odintsov

The vulnerability of the world, especially Europe, to importing fossil fuels from abroad was already shown by the oil crisis of the 1970s. Europe began to gradually cope with it only a decade later. In a way, the winning move at that time was to actively build nuclear power plants in order to produce high-tech energy themselves. Given the disastrous effects of the 1970s...

29.09.2022 Vladimir Odintsov

At the behest of Washington, Western countries are intensifying the crisis in relations with Ankara by imposing more and more anti-Turkish sanctions. Be it for the drilling operations in the eastern Mediterranean, the purchase of Russian surface-to-air missile systems, or simply because of rapprochement with Russia - anything goes...