Vladimir Karyakin
03.01.2014 Vladimir Karyakin

What might be the possible scenarios of the development of the military and political situation in Afghanistan in the period after 2014? Scenario No. 1. Fragmentation of the country. Due to the split within the national elite of Afghanistan which emerged following...

02.01.2014 Vladimir Karyakin

The anthem of Afghanistan has the following lines: "This Land will shine forever – Like the sun in the blue sky / In the chest of Asia – It will remain as its heart forever." It is an exact description of this country's true position in the Middle East and Central Asia. Without a fundamental lasting peace...

01.12.2013 Vladimir Karyakin

The key problem of Russian statehood is that Russia, in terms of geopolitics, is not a classical imperial formation. At the same time, by its ethno-national structure, it does not correspond to the nation state category either. This contradiction can be resolved only through a “re-assembly...

03.10.2013 Vladimir Karyakin

In the context of globalisation, a new form of geopolitical confrontation has emerged, with the involvement of the use of the mass media and telecommunications networks encompassing the whole world space and making it possible not only to exert a destructive impact on the consciousness...

26.09.2013 Vladimir Karyakin

The events of the so-called "Arab Spring" have demonstrated that the Middle Eastern nation-states are experiencing the demise of their existence which is being accompanied by mass uprisings and civil wars. Arab nationalism was the romantic anti-colonial movement of the army elites, who...

13.09.2013 Vladimir Karyakin

After yet another change of power in Cairo, it has become apparent that the large-scale transformation of the Middle East is still far from complete. If at the beginning of this year it seemed that the Arab world was trending toward consolidation and the creation of a “new Caliphate”, then the…

06.08.2013 Vladimir Karyakin
The third wave of the Egyptian revolution has shown that the Middle East is experiencing an increase in socio-political chaos that threatens to transform the country, as well as the…
08.07.2013 Vladimir Karyakin
In recent decades, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have begun acting as foreign agents of influence. They have organized “color revolutions” in the post-Soviet space, in North Africa and in the Middle…
04.06.2013 Vladimir Karyakin
Returning to the use of the Western technologies for “color revolutions” in the post-Soviet space and the Middle East, we see that they are implemented in the following sequence: -…
21.05.2013 Vladimir Karyakin
The strategies of indirect action and soft power are currently the most effective means of geopolitical struggle used by the ruling circles of the United States to defeat or weaken…