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Vladimir Danilov

Turkey’s Relations with Germany are being Tested

In a recent interview with the German newspaper Die Welt, Turkish presidential spokesman İbrahim Kalın admitted that at the moment Turkey’s relations with Germany are not at the desired level. Indeed, the two partners, Berlin and Ankara, have had a lot of grievances against each other in recent years. Although Germany had been the main “defender...

Vladimir Danilov

IAEA to Check the Release of Fukushima Water into Ocean

The run-up to the discharging of chemically treated, but still radioactive water from the wrecked Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is once again taking center stage in the eyes of many of Japan’s neighbors. The Japanese authorities opted to release Fukushima water last April to advance the decommissioning process that has lasted for more...

Vladimir Danilov

Paris Admits it is Unable to Stand up to Militants in Mali as it Withdraws Troops

Spearheaded by Paris and Canada, Europeans recognized the futility of their activities in Mali within the ill-fated anti-terrorist Operation Barkhane that lasted for 9 years since 2014, and on February 17 decided to begin a coordinated military withdrawal from this African country. French president Emmanuel Macron said that after pulling...

Vladimir Danilov