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Vladimir Danilov

Why is the Flow of Migrants Changing Direction?

As Washington has expected in its use of migration flows to damage its political and economic rival, the European Union, the influence of this factor has indeed been increasing of late. And it is becoming increasingly dependent not only on the state of armed conflicts already unleashed by the United States in the world, but also on the energy...

Vladimir Danilov

The Migration Crisis is Tearing Europe Apart

In the past decade, Europe has faced its biggest migration crisis since World War II. It escalated significantly in the autumn of 2015, when the flow of refugees and irregular migrants from North Africa, the Middle East and South Asia into the European Union increased dramatically and the EU was unprepared to receive and distribute them. More recently...

Vladimir Danilov

France is Rapidly Losing Influence in Africa

France has never taken into account the interests of the African nations, and now, as a result of its aggressive neo-colonial policies, this former imperial power is seeing a rapid decline in its influence not only in its former colonies but across the continent. In fact, France is increasingly being viewed both in these countries and in the continent as a whole as a destabilizing...

Vladimir Danilov