Vladimir Danilov
19.08.2020 Vladimir Danilov

Tension related to nuclear proliferation has risen again. This is largely due to the rhetoric of leaders of certain countries hinting  that the build-up of nuclear arsenals epoch is coming back throughout the world. This has already fuelled fears of nuclear armament stock levels in the world and unpredictability of those in whose hands warheads remain. For example...

15.08.2020 Vladimir Danilov

In recent years, reports on political and economic landscape in African countries have increasingly more often mentioned Turkey. In fact, this is true not only for Libya and other African nations located on the Mediterranean coastline but also for countries in the center of this continent and south of the equator. Focusing on Africa has become a key foreign policy...

06.08.2020 Vladimir Danilov

The current political elite of Britain, being in a deep existential crisis, as many media outlets are already writing about, was looking forward to the long-awaited publication of the Russian Report, the release of which was delayed by Boris Johnson for 10 months. And finally, the intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament published...

03.08.2020 Vladimir Danilov

The cultural identity of the Middle East where peoples lived for century without statehood has given the Kurds a particularly strong incentive to carry on their struggle for independence over the last few decades, and American political strategists have taken full advantage of this. That is why the Kurds have been designated...

26.07.2020 Vladimir Danilov

Based on news reports and political commentary in the UK, at present, the country is experiencing a full-blown crisis, and it remains unclear how it plans to resolve it. The outcome of negotiations on the future EU-UK relationship after Britain exited the European Union is uncertain. It is possible that a deal...

22.07.2020 Vladimir Danilov

Tunisia is popular tourist destination in North Africa, a cultural melting pot, with Roman, Arab, and Western cultural influences and European progressiveness. However, Tunisia’s attractiveness as a holiday destination has not been the only reason why the country has been in the news over the past decade. Tunisia was where the wave of color...

19.07.2020 Vladimir Danilov

Today, hardly anyone would argue that social media controlled by the US and its Western allies like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc., are becoming increasingly active in the internal life of many countries, provoking mass protests and political unrest time and time again. The Turkish leadership has recently begun to react quite sensitively to such...

16.07.2020 Vladimir Danilov

On July 2, Al Jazeera reported that the Saudi-led coalition began a new major military operation in Yemen against Ansar Allah (i.e. “Supporters of God”, also known as the Houthis, “an Islamic political and armed” opposition movement. Air raids were reportedly conducted against “the capital, Sanaa, as well as Marib, al-Jouf, al-Bayda, Hajjah and Saada provinces”. According to the Houthi-run Al Masirah…

06.07.2020 Vladimir Danilov

Even before the current US President Donald Trump took office, he was vocal about the vital issue of power balance within the US-Russia-China triangle for Washington. At that point, he was already making promises to wage a trade war on China and find common ground with Russia. As the French publication La Tribune rightly states, the expansion of China...

03.07.2020 Vladimir Danilov

Today America and Europe in its wake are experiencing nationwide hysteria organized by "liberal political strategists."  The spark for this conflagration was racial hostility, which has been actively used by individual American puppet masters in the US, first to bring about general disorganization in the country, and has then been “skillfully” channeled towards organizing a campaign to prevent a second term for President Donald Trump...

24.06.2020 Vladimir Danilov

Today, Africa has become a hot topic, nearing the top of this list not only in the United States, but in many European countries as well. On the one hand, the recently heightened interest in this issue is due to the protests that have engulfed not only the United States, but also many European countries. The movement is demanding an end to racial...

20.06.2020 Vladimir Danilov

In recent decades, the concept of racism has become a painful topic in many countries of the world, and which many now perceive to be, in large part, oppression by white people of members of other races. Anglo-Saxons annihilated Indians, the French and Spanish - Africans, and the Dutch - inhabitants of Africa and Indonesia. And, toward the end of the 19th century, all of them together...