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Vladimir Danilov

Relations between Paris and Ankara are Deteriorating Rapidly

Relations between Turkey and France, formally NATO allies, have recently deteriorated sharply against the backdrop of contention over Syria, Libya, the Turkish-Greek dispute in the Eastern Mediterranean, and the events occurring in Nagorno-Karabakh. Without any doubt, the impetus for this was the operation...

Vladimir Danilov

Why isn’t China Intervening in the Events Occurring in Kyrgyzstan?

Over the past few years, the lion’s share of the countries in Central Asia (CA have been undergoing a period involving social, economic, and political transformation. The region desperately needs to put transportation and social projects in place, create new jobs, industries, and energy facilities, and improve the quality of education…

Vladimir Danilov

The United States and Human Trafficking

In the beginning of October, US President Donald Trump signed an executive order about imposing sanctions on countries that, in Washington’s opinion, “do not put forth sufficient efforts to combat human trafficking”. The list of countries put together by Washington specifically includes Russia, China, Iran, Syria, Cuba, and the DPRK. In addition, US representatives...

Vladimir Danilov