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Vladimir Danilov

US is Turning Kyrgyzstan into Another Springboard for Geopolitical Conflict

The presidential campaign has started in Kyrgyzstan among candidates for the position of head of state, and elections for that are scheduled for January 10. The presidential elections will take place under very difficult economic and epidemiological conditions for this country, and against a backdrop of a plethora...

Vladimir Danilov

Horizons of the Growing British-Turkish Alliance

Today, with the vectors of political, economic and military cooperation in Europe being reoriented because of Britain's exit from the EU, we can observe a clear rapprochement in many areas between London and Ankara. Britain is the second largest importer of goods from Turkey after Germany; annually about 2.5 million British people spend their vacations in Turkey and about...

Vladimir Danilov

Rethinking Alliances in Eastern Mediterranean

The current developments in the Eastern Mediterranean and Libya have prompted nations in the region to reshape ties with each other and establish or expand coalitions in order to counteract external threats. Based on statements made by a number of politicians from this part of the world, Turkey and Iran are the countries most often labelled as troublemakers, whose actions...

Vladimir Danilov