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Vladimir Danilov

Why is the UN Silent over Washington’s Plundering of Syria?

On Sunday, May 23, another American convoy of 86 trucks and many armored personnel carriers drove from Iraqi Kurdistan Territory to the northeastern province of Syria, Hasakah. The US vehicles passed through the US-controlled illegal border crossing of al-Walid and headed towards the Harab al-Jir military base...

Vladimir Danilov

Syria Elections Held Despite US Opposition

On May 26 presidential elections were held in Syria. Bashar al-Assad, who has been president since 2000, was elected to another seven-year term with 95.1% of the vote. An important achievement of Bashar al-Assad is that his level of support from the population, based on the results of the election, has increased compared to 2014: at that time, about 88% of Syrians...

Vladimir Danilov

Rebirth of a Strategic Partnership between Saudi Arabia and Pakistan

During a three-day visit to Riyadh in early May, the prime minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan together with his top military official Qamar Javed Bajwa confirmed Islamabad's decision to revive the strategic alliance between Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. Khan's meeting with Saudi crown prince Muhammad bin Salman Al Saud resulted...

Vladimir Danilov