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Vladimir Danilov

Is it Really Time for Iraq to Say Goodbye to its American Conquerors?

Recently, the United States has been actively redistributing its financial and military power from the Middle East to the Asia-Pacific region, refocusing all its forces against China. Washington sees that country as its main competitor and rival in its future struggle to ensure unrestricted global leadership. For this reason, and against the backdrop...

Vladimir Danilov

Ukraine to Help Britain?

In the face of collapsing British policies and actions in the foreign arena, the recent joyful publication of the British authoritative publication The Telegraph brought to attention that London had signed an agreement with the Ukrainian Navy “that will contribute to the development of British shipbuilding.” As the newspaper points out, a tragicomic situation has developed in Ukraine in recent years...

Vladimir Danilov

Is Israel Preparing for a Military Strike against Iran?

There have been increasingly problematic reports about Israel's preparations to launch a military strike against Iran in recent days. It is well known that Israel considers Iran's nuclear program to be the "number one" issue. Despite Iran's repeated claims that developing a nuclear bomb is not part of its plans, tensions between the countries continue to escalate...

Vladimir Danilov