Vitaly Bilan
20.01.2014 Vitaly Bilan

After its triumphant start in 2011-2012, recently the “flagship” of the Arab uprisings, the Islamic movement Muslim Brotherhood, sponsored by Qatar, has been losing ground practically in the entire region, which, in fact, is the first sign of decay of the once promising oriental tale called...


19.11.2013 Vitaly Bilan

In late October, the pro-South Sudan Ngok Dinka tribe in the disputed province of Abyei began to vote unilaterally to join the territory. Reports of this caused great anger in Khartoum and among the leaders of the nomadic Misseriya tribe, which is under its control and passes through the...

30.10.2013 Vitaly Bilan
It appears that the present state of affairs in the signing of cooperative security agreement between the U.S. and Afghanistan is becoming a serious problem for the current U.S. administration. Procrastination is prompting geopolitical rivals (notably China and Russia to augment their influence...
05.08.2013 Vitaly Bilan
The events of the so-called Arab Spring have demonstrated that the Middle Eastern nation-states, as is the case with European states, are experiencing the sunset of their existence. However, compared…
31.07.2013 Vitaly Bilan
With the sharp deterioration of the situation in Sinai (especially in its northern part), which occurred in Egypt after the overthrow of the regime of the "Muslim Brotherhood", the issue…
20.05.2013 Vitaly Bilan
The unsuccessful attempts to overthrow the Assad regime are increasingly moving Israel to center stage, and the footdragging on Syria is significantly hindering a decision on what is perhaps Israel’s…
19.04.2013 Vitaly Bilan
Against the backdrop of recent White House political missteps, Barack Obama has decided to gamble on making at least some progress towards resolving the Middle East problem. He is entrusting…
07.04.2013 Vitaly Bilan
Egyptian Foreign Minister Mohammed Amr visited the French capital in early April. Egyptian news agencies reported that Amr was received by both his French counterpart, Laurent Fabius, and French President…
22.01.2013 Vitaly Bilan
Carte blanche The UN Security Council supported the military operation France carried out in Mali on January 14 and gave Paris quite a helping hand in restoring that country’s “constitutional…
03.01.2013 Vitaly Bilan
The “Russians” are coming The issue of “Russian” Israelis has reemerged in the Israeli media as the early parliamentary elections scheduled for January 22 approach and Likud allies itself with…
04.12.2012 Vitaly Bilan
A strange war Debates are still raging in both the Israeli and the regional media as to why it was necessary to expend so much energy and resources on operation…
10.11.2012 Vitaly Bilan
Arab League Secretary General Nabil al-Arabi said the other day that an expanded meeting with representatives from the Arab world and 27 European Union countries will take place at the…