Viktor Mikhin
19.04.2014 Viktor Mikhin

Thanks to the military successes of the government forces, who have been victorious against the insurgent militias, the war in Syria has reached a turning point, according to remarks made by Syrian president Bashar Assad. Assad claims that the army’s victories over the...

17.04.2014 Viktor Mikhin

A sequence of important events that occurred in Saudi Arabia, simultaneously with the recent visit of U.S. President Barack Obama to that country, have roused close attention and numerous comments of analysts around the world. The visit of U.S. President Barack Obama to Saudi Arabia...

11.04.2014 Viktor Mikhin

At the end of March, the Russian oil company, Lukoil, began extracting oil from one of the world's largest oilfields, ‘West Qurna Phase II’ in Iraq. The Vice Premier of the Russian Federation, Arkady Drovkovich, the Vice Premier of Iraq responsible for energy...

02.04.2014 Viktor Mikhin

Small emirate of Kuwait, located at the mouth of the Arabian (Persian Gulf, has once again found itself in the heart of Arab and world politics. This was because in the capital, Kuwait City, on March 25-26, under the motto “Unity for the Future”...

29.03.2014 Viktor Mikhin

Recently, the relations between Syria and Turkey worsened to such an extent that official Damascus was forced to send a complaint to the UN. Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Bashar al-Jafari, sent a message to the UN Secretary...

24.03.2014 Viktor Mikhin

Oman-Iran relations are seeing a remarkable recovery in the last few months. Recently Oman was paid an official government visit by an Iranian delegation led by President Hassan Rouhani. This visit is very important for the Persian Gulf Region. This is the first...

15.03.2014 Viktor Mikhin

The beginning of 2014 for Saudi Arabia, according to most experts, will be primarily remembered for major changes in the country’s foreign policy. Perhaps for the first time in the history of the state’s existence, the king and his entourage...

07.03.2014 Viktor Mikhin

The UN Security Council adopted a resolution demanding free access of the humanitarian aid to victims of the conflict in Syria. The resolution provides for the opening of the borders of Syria and the front lines for the direct delivery...

28.02.2014 Viktor Mikhin

Saudi Arabia resembles an awakened volcano that has slumbered for many decades, and now is beginning to “disgorge” one initiative after another, gradually changing its foreign policy. As noted by the politician and representative of neorealism theory...

23.02.2014 Viktor Mikhin

It is noteworthy that as soon as Russian foreign policy makes some movements, Western media, as a team in unison, begin viciously screaming (there is no other word to describe their actions, and strongly criticizing Russia and its president...

21.02.2014 Viktor Mikhin

The Middle East never ceases to amaze the world and sets tough tasks for politicians and economists. Thus, the latest news made oil industry workers immediately hit their calculators and make forecasts – by 2020, Iraq is going to triple oil production...

15.02.2014 Viktor Mikhin

On January 4 on YouTube, there was uploaded an audio recording of a confidential telephone conversation between U.S. Assistant Secretary – Victoria Nuland and U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine – Jeffrey Payette. Offended by the indecision of European Union...