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Tony Cartalucci

NATO’s Aggression Reaches for Russian Waters

The recent Kerch Strait incident marks a new low amid the US-led expansion of NATO eastward. The intentional provocation executed by Kiev saw three Ukrainian naval vessels seized by Russia. The vessels were intentionally violating protocol for passing through the…
Tony Cartalucci

Syria: Alleged Chemical Attack Elicits 180 Degree Response from West

On the heels of another alleged chemical attack in Syria - the Western media has responded with skepticism - even silence. This acutely different response to its regular "chemical weapons" hysteria is because unlike previous incidents, it appears this most…
Tony Cartalucci

Ukraine Provokes Russia to What End?

Russia has seized three Ukrainian military vessels violating its territory near Russia's newly completed Crimean Bridge. The incident is a clear provocation carried out by Kiev and possibly engineered by Kiev's Western sponsors - particularly those in Washington and London.…
Tony Cartalucci