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Tony Cartalucci

US Ditches Kurdish Proxies in Syria

As US troops flee northeast Syria - they leave behind their Kurdish proxies to face an uncertain future at the hands of approaching Turkish troops. Reports of Turkish forces entering Syria dominated news headlines - followed by Western op-eds trading blame for America's failed policy in Syria. Absent from these headlines is any mention of how Washington...

Tony Cartalucci

Information Warfare: Twitter Targets Hong Kong

When Twitter Safety announced that it was taking actions against "information operations" directed at Hong Kong - informed observers could have immediately assumed that Twitter was not actually serious about stopping anything of the sort - but rather ensuring the information operation they are a part of was protected and those attempting to...

Tony Cartalucci

Egyptian Protests: A US-Fuelled "Arab Spring" Reboot

When the West's leading media organizations attempt to convince audiences they know nothing about where Mohammed Aly - a Spanish-based Egyptian protest leader - came from, the first thing one can be sure of is they are being lied to. Protests have begun to spread again in Egypt after nearly a decade...

Tony Cartalucci