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Tony Cartalucci

London Attack: West's Terrorists Bite the Hand that Feeds (Again)

The latest incident in London was so entirely preventable that it is difficult to describe it as anything less than deliberate. In yet another headline-grabbing terror attack - an armed man in south London left several injured - some seriously - with the suspect himself killed at the scene by police. Entirely predictable was the fact that the suspect named as Sudesh Amman - was a known terrorist...

Tony Cartalucci

US Policy Vs. Iran: Apex Desperation

US policy versus Iran has reached new heights of desperation and new lows in terms of undermining international law and norms. In Washington's losing battle to maintain hegemony in the Middle East at the expense of the actual people and nations that exist there - it has resorted to high-level assassinations, unilateral strikes against targets within...

Tony Cartalucci

US War of Terror Continues: Assassinating Iran's Top Anti-ISIS General

The US has eagerly taken credit for the killing of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani amid a series of military strikes carried out by US forces across Syria and Iraq. The assassination was shortly followed by Iranian missile strikes aimed at US bases in Iraq. The BBC in its article, "Qasem Soleimani: Strike was to 'stop...

Tony Cartalucci