Tony Cartalucci
26.08.2020 Tony Cartalucci

While US regime change in Syria appears to be a terminal failure, various propaganda ploys used to sell the war continue in the hopes that - at the very least - such ploys can be polished and improved upon when and where the US turns its attention next. One of these ploys includes an ongoing "trial" in Germany against Syrians accused of war...

21.08.2020 Tony Cartalucci

The Coda Story - a media front funded and created by and for the US government, its "Atlanticist" partners, and the corporate interests driving the vast majority of Western foreign policy - recently ran a smear against alternative media figures questioning the US-led "Uyghur-Xinjiang" narrative. The smear is part of a wider campaign aimed at anyone questioning...

07.08.2020 Tony Cartalucci

Upon reading Australia's new defense strategy, one might think its authors believe they are surrounded by nations invaded and destroyed by China with Australia next in line. News headlines declare, "Australia's new defence strategy unveils a significant strategic shift in foreign policy to meet new threats from China," "China the unspoken threat at centre...

21.07.2020 Tony Cartalucci

One of Washington's reoccuring dreams is creating a "pan-Asian alliance" to encircle and contain China's economic and political rise. Unable to do this through regime change, economic incentives, military alliances, or even coercion and terrorism, it has drawn deeper and deeper from its "soft power" toolkit. The US is also increasingly lumping...

16.07.2020 Tony Cartalucci

China's special administration region of Hong Kong saw the passing of a security law outlawing acts universally recognized as criminal and threats to any nation's security and sovereignty. Despite what would appear to be common sense legislation, the Western media has cried "controversy." While the West claims...

10.07.2020 Tony Cartalucci

It should surprise no one paying attention that the suspect in the recent stabbing spree in Reading, UK was not only known to British security agencies as an extremist and security threat, but that he comes from the pool of extremists the British aided Washington in funding, arming, training, and providing air support for during the 2011 overthrow...

06.07.2020 Tony Cartalucci

To drive home just how superficial and empty recent protests in America are and how little besides further division and destruction will become of them - take the fate of two fictional characters recently put in the spotlight by baying activists - PepsiCo's "Aunt Jemima" breakfast food brand and Mars Incorporated's "Uncle Ben's" rice products. Both came into...

26.06.2020 Tony Cartalucci

Despite what appears to be a terminal decline of US influence over the Middle East, Washington has no intentions of gracefully abandoning its aspirations of regional hegemony. Air strikes carried out against Syria by Washington's Israeli proxies, a mysterious explosion near Tehran, and the current Iraqi Prime Minister's decision to round up leaders of Iranian-backed...

23.06.2020 Tony Cartalucci

A recent border dispute between China and India have resulted in multiple casualties including deaths. It is the first time in decades that this scale of violence has been seen between the two nations. Western headlines have immediately tried to play up the notion of conflict between China and India, but to what end? China and India respectively have the two largest populations. Both find...

18.06.2020 Tony Cartalucci

Chinese media highlighted a recent plea by Beijing to the US to lift sanctions against Syria. China's CGTN in an article titled, "Chinese envoy asks US to lift unilateral sanctions on Syria," would report: A Chinese envoy on Tuesday asked the United States to immediately lift unilateral sanctions against Syria. Years of economic blockade have caused tremendous...

05.06.2020 Tony Cartalucci

There is no doubt that colonialism and racism sit at the root of America's domestic problems. The push to dominate others abroad is directly linked to the belief that those who are different at home should also be dominated. There are still Americans alive today that remember segregation laws that denied black Americans their basic rights and dignity. Before that...

29.05.2020 Tony Cartalucci

Judging by US foreign policy - China is a massive global threat - and by some accounts - the "top" threat. But a threat to what? AFP would report in its article, "Trump nominee to lead intel community sees China as top threat," that: President Donald Trump's pick to lead the US intelligence community said Tuesday that he would focus on China as the country's greatest...