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Tony Cartalucci

US Claims of "Russian Meddling" Exposes Its Own Global Meddling

The 13 Russians indicted allegedly represent  the "Internet Research Agency" merely referred to as "the organization" throughout the FBI's highly publicized indictment (PDF. The Internet Research Agency was allegedly run by Concord Management and Consulting. However, the FBI failed to establish any link between...

Tony Cartalucci

Asia Shutting Down US-Turkish Ugyhur Terror Pipeline

The US government and organizations it funds posing as "human rights advocates" have decried Malaysia's recent decision to deport 11 Uyghurs suspected of links to terrorism back to China. The US State Department's Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty in its article titled, "U.S. Voices Concern Over 11 Uyghurs Beijing Wants Malaysia To Deport," would report: The United...

Tony Cartalucci

Soft Power: US Gives Award to US-Funded Agitator

The Western media continues to saturate headlines with stories of "Russian meddling," meanwhile Western governments led by Washington openly celebrate their own meddling in foreign political affairs. One such example unfolded during the US State Department's annual "Women of Courage Awards" with Thailand-based Sirikan "June" Charoensiri among...

Tony Cartalucci