Tito Ben Saba
24.05.2024 Tito Ben Saba

Several status quo situations continue to prevail around the world, including between China and the United States. The status quo is the accepted political term for unresolved global crises, most of which date back to the Second World War. In essence, it means that there is a more or less tacit agreement between rival powers to keep the crises in question frozen. The Korean peninsula, the Taiwan Strait and Western Sahara are just a few examples of these frozen or latent conflicts…

05.05.2024 Tito Ben Saba

In line with the American strategy of “divide and rule”, characteristic of US hegemonic aims, the objective of Washington’s Chinese strategy is to compartmentalize rival geopolitical powers by exacerbating antagonisms, with the aim of breaking down geographical continuities, economic and security partnerships, and ideological affinities between the various regional blocs…