Journal NEO
09.05.2014 Journal NEO

Dear readers and authors! We want to congratulate you with the day of the great victory in World War II, victory over fascism! This victory has become possible due to the joint effort of all members of the international community. In order to...

19.04.2014 Journal NEO

Dear readers and authors! Easter is one of the most important Christian events of the year. Commemorating Christ's Resurrection, we would like to offer you our warmest regards on this bright holiday. May the light of the Resurrection always illuminate your path toward...

01.01.2014 Journal NEO
Dear readers and authors!  Happy New Year! We hope that the year 2014 will be a fortunate and joyful one for you and your close ones. We want to wish…
30.11.2013 Journal NEO

On November 28 the first international NEO conference: “The Role of Russian and foreign electronic media in the objective coverage of the most pressing international challenges of our time” took place in the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences...