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Martin Berger

New Delhi's Elusive Role in Washington's Global Designs

It's unlikely that anyone today may still have doubts about the fact that India in recent years has been playing a pivotal role in Washington's strategic plans for the Asia-Pacific region. Former American presidents, namely Bill Clinton, George Bush and Barack Obama would all visit...

Martin Berger

In a Bid to Leave no Room for Washington's Meddling, Russia, Iran and Turkey are Closing Ranks

Washington’s recent obsession with unilateral sanctions and tariffs as a tool of choice for approaching a wide range of complex and diverse international challenges makes it a lame hegemon. The stubborn determination of Western think tanks to police...

Martin Berger

Why both London and Washington are Frustrated by the Signing of the Caspian Convention

The Caspian region hasn’t been receiving much attention lately in comparison with attention the Middle East typically gets. However, there’s every chance that Russia, the United States, the EU and China...

Martin Berger