Martin Berger
27.11.2015 Martin Berger

The downing of Russia’s Su-24 bomber by the Turkish Air Force is “one of the nightmare scenarios that military planners had envisaged as a result of Moscow’s decision to enter the conflict,” reports The Financial Times. In turn, The Washington Post believes that...

21.11.2015 Martin Berger

In recent weeks, ISIL has manifested itself as one of the most aggressive groups in the world of international terrorism. As it has been pointed out by the Foreign Policy magazine, in just a month the group claimed...

16.11.2015 Martin Berger

A series of bloody attacks in Paris exposed a handful of aspects that have so far been hindered by the official rhetoric of Western politicians and media sources in order to show the so-called “success” of “anti-terrorist campaign” unleashed by Washington...

09.11.2015 Martin Berger

It’s a well-known fact that the supreme commander is the highest official of the armed forces in any country. Simultaneously, as a rule, this very individual occupies the position of a head of the state, whether it’s a president or monarch. The fundamental...

04.11.2015 Martin Berger

In the 21st century the political scene of most Western countries has been heavily dominated by oligarchs and their obedient puppets who are desperate to corrode the rule of law and radically restrict the personal freedoms of local residents. This...