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Martin Berger

Who is Responsible for the Suffering of Yemen?

As noted by numerous commentators on the Middle East, the situation in Yemen remains pretty grave. The country has been devastated by the armed conflict between the Houthis and the troops of ousted President Mansour Hadi, that are being heavily supported...

Martin Berger

Will the EU Collapse due to the Migration Crisis?

The flow of refugees, fleeing the chaos created in the Middle East by the warmongers in the US and Western Europe, is drowning the European Union in melancholia and depression. As the terrorist threats keep getting even more real with...

Martin Berger

The Leader of the "Most Powerful Nation on Earth" Stands Humiliated

The latest Barack Obama’s speech in front of members of Congress was his last State of the Union Address in his capacity as the president. Yet, according to numerous analysts, this...

Martin Berger