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Martin Berger

Has Washington Learnt Anything from Russia's Intervention in Syria?

As the situation on the ground keeps changing against the radical militants that invaded Syria, Syrian troops along with Russian airpower have managed to deliver a crushing blow against them, particularly the so-called...

Martin Berger

The Bitter Lessons of the Military Intervention in Yemen

A full year has passed since the beginning of the Saudi military intervention in Yemen, when warplanes of the so-called “Arab allies” started bombing the capital of Yemen, Sana’a back into the stone age. At the same time the United States and...

Martin Berger

Who is Going to Pay the "Libyan Bill"?

Half a decade ago the United States along with NATO embarked on a quest to destroy Libya. On March 17, 2011 at the request of US President Barack Obama, the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 1973 that allowed the so-called Western coalition tо...

Martin Berger