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Martin Berger

Is There Any Backbone Left in the EU in the Face of Erdogan's Blackmail?

The events that have been taking place over the last couple of weeks suggest that Europe will not be able to deal with the massive influx of migrants from the Middle East and Africa in the near future...

Martin Berger

ISIS and Hitlerjugend - Can You Spot a Difference?

According to the experts at IHS Jane’s analytical center, ISIS attacks have increased this year, particularly in Iraq and Syria as the group responds to substantial territorial losses. Additionally, it’s been reported that the group is resorting...

Martin Berger

ISIS-Israeli Relations: A Marriage of Convenience?

The question of why the so-called "Islamic State" (ISIS hasn’t launched a single attack against Israel so far has been bothering international analysts for months, since the "Jewish State" would seem a somewhat logical target for alleged...

Martin Berger