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James ONeill

A Mistake to Expect Real Change From the Incoming Biden Administration

One of the great illusions being fostered by the victorious Democratic Party in the United States is that with the removal from office of Donald Trump things will return to normal. This is an illusion fostered by the incoming President Joe Biden. It is an illusion for a number of reasons. The first illusion was that the United...

James ONeill

Australia-China Relations Set for a Long Period in the Wilderness

China is, and has been for many years, Australia’s most important trading partner. Up to the end of 2019, China took nearly 40% of all of Australia’s exports. It is not a trading relationship that any sane country would really jeopardise. Yet that is precisely what the Australian government has been doing, and under the present political...

James ONeill

The World has Changed, but Do Not Expect the Incoming Biden Administration to Change Also

One of the great pretences currently being played out to a gullible public is that it actually matters which of Biden or Trump actually won the recent United States presidential election. There is certainly a body of evidence that suggests that the election was less than squeaky clean, but has that been the case since at least when Bush...

James ONeill