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James ONeill

China and Russia Lead the Way in a New World Order

These days Russia sits down with the United States, and NATO, to discuss Moscow's demands (they go beyond proposals) for in effect a new world order in Eastern Europe. The Russian plan envisages a greatly reduced role for NATO on and around its borders. The United States has not yet made any specific proposals in advance of the meeting, although...

James ONeill

Australian Foreign and Defence Policy Makers Make One Bad Choice After Another

Australia recently cancelled its order for eight French built submarines. The cancellation was incredibly badly handled with the French being kept in the dark about the decision until long after it had been taken. The problem was compounded by the Defence and Foreign Ministers being in communication with the French after the cancellation...

James ONeill

Putin’s Best Policy is to Simply Wait

Russia has recently set out its list of demands for a resetting of the position of the United States in Europe. The Americans have reacted cautiously, promising to give the Russians an answer “shortly”. It would be unwise to hold one’s breath awaiting a positive response from the Americans. Even in the highly unlikely event they respond positively...

James ONeill