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James ONeill

US and Terrorist Groups in Desperate Rearguard Actions in Syria

While the attention of the world has been focused on the increasingly strident rhetoric between the United States and North Korea, a rather different and potentially more dangerous series of moves has been playing out in Syria...

James ONeill

Australia and U.S. “Joined at the Hip”: Where’s the Benefit?

The Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has on two recent occasions referred to Australia being “joined at the hip” to the United States on its defence and national security policies. That phrasing invited some critical commentary...

James ONeill

North Korea and the UN Sanctions Merry Go Round

On 11 September 2017 the UN Security Council unanimously passed Resolution 2375 imposing further sanctions on North Korea in response to its latest nuclear test. This was the latest and ninth such resolution since 2006. There...

James ONeill