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James ONeill

Latest American Criminality a Serious Threat to World Peace

The world became a measurably more dangerous place last week with the United States murder of Iranian Major General Qassem Saleimani and at least eight other prominent individuals including the SMU leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhardis. Since the murder an increasing number of facts have emerged that cast particular insight into...

James ONeill

The Re-Emergence of Iran as a Symptom of Greater Regional Changes

Iran has a long and proud history. It is one of the world’s oldest civilisations. Today it is one of the world’s largest nations with over 83 million people as of October 2019. As such it is the world’s 20th largest nation ranked by population. In recent decades it has endured a series of political challenges, not the least...

James ONeill

The West’s Present Misconduct Has a Long History

One of the persistent themes of western political leaders is that they support the notion of “the rule of law”. By this they generally mean the system of law as developed by western nations, and in the international context the formulation over the past 120 years or so of international law. By this of course, they mean “their law”. Any deviation from this by non-western...

James ONeill