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James ONeill

US Rhetoric Reflects a Long Past Era

The United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made a recent rapid trip to London and Copenhagen followed by the making of a speech in California, all in the same week. His speech in California was billed as “a major policy speech.” To have observed his actions and utterances in this rapid cross-world travel was to hear what could only be described as a throwback...

James ONeill

World is Changing, but United States Policy Retains its Dangerously Unchanged Nature

Media commentary in recent weeks has focused on the alleged plan of United States president Donald Trump to vacate US troops from Afghanistan. Those troops, together with representatives of other countries including the United Kingdom and Australia, have been in Afghanistan since that country was first invaded in October 2001...

James ONeill

Hong Kong is Symptomatic of Wider Issues

On the 7th of July 2020 Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jin Ping held one of their regular telephone conversations. The fact of the call, let alone its content, received scant coverage in the western mainstream media. This was unfortunate because what the two men had to say conveyed major geopolitical decisions...

James ONeill