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Grete Mautner

There's no End to Washington's "Invade, Destroy, Repeat" Mantra

Aggression in all shapes and forms has been for a long time the tool of choice for Washington in its approach towards all of its foreign policy challenges. There's more confirmations of this notion in history that you will be willing to check up and those become...

Grete Mautner

International Reaction to Trump's Attempts to Get Us All Killed

The fact that Donald Trump threatened Russia with continuous military strikes against Syria has marked a new low for the security of our planet. Trump's tweets are known for bringing down stock markets across the globe on multiple occasions. According to the German Die Welt...

Grete Mautner

Fake News has Become a Weapon of Choice for a Handful of Countries

It goes without saying that recently 'fake news' has become one of the most trending search phrases on the net. Moreover, representatives of Collins English Dictionary have gone as far as to name it official Word of the Year for 2017, and there's a very good reasons for...

Grete Mautner