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Grete Mautner

Is there a Real Way for English to Retain its Primacy across the EU

If one is to take a look at EU's language policies, we note numerous attempts to reduce the acute challenges faced by this multinational and multilingual community to the primacy of English does not make the present layout any more democratic, since this primacy grants a number...

Grete Mautner

Washington's Trade Wars Make the Coalition of American Victims Uncomfortably Large

These days, experts both in and out of the US tend to agree that Washington has been resorting to sanctions as the foreign policy tool of choice way too often, thus expanding and strengthening the so-called coalition of American victims...

Grete Mautner

How Come Washington Became so Wrapped Up in Central Asia

Central Asia has traditionally been re- garded by Washington as "Russia's soft underbelly", since it's a common belief within American think tanks that by establishing control over this region the US will be capable of subjecting the whole of Eurasia to its will, which means that...

Grete Mautner