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Grete Mautner

Washington Goes after the Dismemberment of the EU

As evidenced by the actions of the sitting American president Donald Trump, the whole system of international relations is getting revamped by Washington, and the Western world is going to take a major hit in the process. Among the reasons why this is happening one can mention...

Grete Mautner

Great Britain is a Serial Political Murderer

An interception of encrypted transmissions of the General Intelligence Presidency of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA by the British General Intelligence Directorate (GCHQ is said to reveal that the order to assassinate Jamal Khashoggi, a Saudi journalist working for a number of...

Grete Mautner

What Path will America Choose?

It won't elude the attention of a keen reader that the most important election in America was held two years ago, with the mid-term elections, that are less than a week away, coming close second. However, one couldn't agree more with the American Thinker pointing out that the US is now...

Grete Mautner