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Grete Mautner

So, Should We Really Compare Aleppo and Mosul?

Exactly one month ago at his briefing in the Department of State Press Briefing Room John Kirby announced thatThe situations in Mosul and Aleppo is radically different, it is absolutely not the same, and to compare the two is...

Grete Mautner

CIA's Brainwashing Mayhem is in the Full Swing in the EU

It is now an undisputed fact that the Western democratic values and the so-called "freedom of speech" that have been heralded for a long time as the principal achievements of the Western world are nothing but empty slogans. This is evidenced by the latest resolution...

Grete Mautner

Obama's "Swang Trip" to Europe is No Reason for Tears

Obama's final tour to Europe in the capacity of US President has been a milestone event from various points of view. He has come as the representative of the losing side that would still try to reassure its European allies that...

Grete Mautner