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Gordon Duff

Russophobia and the Impeachment of Donald Trump

On November 13, 2019, the Impeachment Hearing before the Congress of the United States began to be publicly televised. Prior to that, the substance behind this move, whether it was a political game or something darker, its real consequences and historical framing, had been speculation and rumor. What has become clear is that Trump wasn’t targeted...

Gordon Duff

Treaty Busters, Why Russia’s Doomsday Weapons May Save Us All

A generation of secret weapons exist, some deployed, some in varying stages of development. Remember the 1964 film, Fail Safe? From the book, co-authored by Eugene Burdick (The Ugly American, Fail Safe described the real SAC or Strategic Air Command and its policy of maintaining a fleet of nuclear armed...

Gordon Duff

Why America is a Threat?

The announcement in October 2019 that the United States was “keeping” Syria’s oil for itself, opened the eyes of millions of Americans blinded by 20 years of absolute censorship, total propaganda and political turmoil. What became clear is that the US government itself has no ability to trade in oil, it runs no refineries, owns no gas stations, no pipelines. The oil was going...

Gordon Duff