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Gordon Duff

“Mobbed up” American Policy, the Global Shakedown

Those who accept the policies of the Trump administration, cancellation of the JCPOA with Iran, seizing oil fields in Syria, endless sanctions on nation after nation, Europe blackmailed, endless threats emanating almost hourly from Trump’s iPhone as “national policy” or even criminally deranged is simply not paying attention. There is a method, and it isn’t the...

Gordon Duff

The Nasty Secret Behind Aramco, ISIS and Trump in Syria

The Saudi Arabian oil company, Aramco, is now hiring oil workers throughout Deir Ezzor Province inside Syria as part of a joint effort, nominally with an unknown American entity and with full partnership with both ISIS and the United States Army. Thousands of unemployed Syrian engineers and oil workers are being asked...

Gordon Duff

Pompeo: New US Policy Authorized Drones Strikes on Russian, Chinese Leaders

President Trump, and not obliquely, has put the assassination of Vladimir Putin “on the table” as part of a new policy, one at direct odds with both American and international law.  This isn’t just a broad policy against those Washington deems enemies, but Russia was specifically listed as a target for highest level assassinations...

Gordon Duff