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Gordon Duff

America: Send Food, We’re Starving!

The report below is from The Guardian, a British paper. No such report has been made in any American paper though local television coverage has been extensive. No national coverage is allowed. America, you see, is under broad censorship. From The Guardian: “Food banks across the US are under widespread and growing pressure as they cope...

Gordon Duff

The Geopolitical Consequences of COVID-19: Over the Cliff

On the evening of Saturday, April 18, 2020, the forty thousandth (40,000 “presumed COVID 19 death,” according to new CDC guidelines occurred. Where death only affects the few, the misinformation, withheld or suppressed data, the lies, the propaganda and censorship are making things worse. Thus, we turn to the format of a loose intelligence briefing as the infectious...

Gordon Duff

Did America Just Confess to a COVID 19 Bio-War?

Is it safe and reliable to use methodologies taken from intelligence analysts when looking for responsible parties? If a publication like the New York Times publishes a “pointed” misdirection piece, it is safe to assume, based on how outlandish the article is, that intent can be determined, based on analysis, intent, of course, to deceive? “Deception and cover” are...

Gordon Duff