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Gordon Duff

America Under Total Censorship Lockdown as it Circles the Drain

The United States is under a broad censorship lockdown. News from regional press is blocked from national coverage, stories are crushed, certainly Facebook and Google ban and delist, but now at a level that should be unimaginable. The stories run in two areas, seemingly unrelated, that being BLM protests and the other...

Gordon Duff

Truth and Mystery, as COVID Guts America

Lying about COVID 19, lies of substance, lies through denial of science, lies through politicization, lies through intentional hoaxes and, inexorably, lies for financial gain are destroying the United States and key nations around the world. To an extent, the lies are orchestrated, or so intelligence analysts report, but do so behind closed doors only. Even writing about...

Gordon Duff

Will the ‘Liar and Thief’ Be Brought Down by a Russian Hoax?

July 4, 2020, Independence Day in the United States, saw something that hasn’t happened in the US before, the American military turn on a sitting president. The accusations were something new as well, equating Donald Trump with infamous American traitor, Benedict Arnold, the turncoat that gave the British the vital...

Gordon Duff