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Gordon Duff

Biden Will Be America at Her Best

For four ugly years, world organized crime, acting through its stranglehold on American government and partner leaders, virtual “capos” around the world, has spiraled the world into madness. Behind it all, a “perfect storm,” Donald Trump, a psychopathic bumbler with low normal intelligence and a penchant for drawing to him the angry, the fearful and the hate ridden...

Gordon Duff

America’s Military, Murdered or Murderers?

American military are stealing oil in Syria, trucking it into Turkey while the Syrian people do without fuel. American military burned wheat fields in Syria, this is not conjecture. American military attacked Syria with missiles, albeit with a humorous lack of success, in response to poison gas attacks that the US and its coalition partners were complicit in staging, this is not...

Gordon Duff

Will it be Biden and Putin, Making the New World?

The current situation between Armenia and Azerbaijan has shown the world the dangers of secret pacts and ancient grudges as a new “August 1914” moves toward reality. As early as 2012, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Israel and the Gulf States began arming al Qaeda and ISIS, deploying them against both Syria and Iraq. Other nations aided as well, not just...

Gordon Duff