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Gordon Duff

I Can’t Stand It, the Assad OPCW Fantasy is Giving me Gas

There is only so much stupid one can take and still survive. What I am talking about, of course, is the “controversy” over allegation that Syria has used poison gas against “its own people.” Let me begin with a “slam dunk” and then we can move on to simple screaming. OK, here’s the situation on the ground. Syrian troops, trained and supplied with the best weapons in the world...

Gordon Duff

“Without Remorse” Peddling Lies and Hate for Amazon

In 1943, a Hollywood film was made depicting the courage of Russian partisans fighting Nazi Germany in World War II. Directed by Louis Milestone, who had also directed the anti-war classic, All Quiet on the Western Front, the script was written by Lillian Hellman. However, the version of that film I saw, growing up during the Cold War, had a different message. Most confusingly...

Gordon Duff

The Nasty Secrets Behind Pentagon Treason and America’s Rogue Nuclear Threat

We will begin with a short and painless history lesson. Just before the US entered World War II, General George C. Marshall, Chief of Staff for the US Army, was tasked with getting America ready for war. To do so, he removed 30,000 incompetent officers, most of them West Point Graduates, from their positions with the Army...

Gordon Duff