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Gordon Duff

“Without Foundation,” How America Became a Terrorist State

To all appearances, the situation in the Ukraine proves the Cold War is alive and well, perhaps even “thriving.” The relationship between Obama and Putin and the diplomatic successes in Syria and Iran have been erased. “Business as usual” is returning...

Gordon Duff

Flight 370, Terrorism Derailed

Some stories never seem to go away and some stories should never go away. When dealing with the mysterious disappearance nearly a month ago of Malaysian Airlines flight 370, the story has expanded due to continuing media lies and quality independent...

Gordon Duff

Flight 370: Another US Conspiracy?

On March 13, 2014 Veterans Today said they could prove Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 was “on the ground.” The mainstream media had sighted wreckage but families were calling passengers on the “downed jet” and those phones were ringing, an impossibility...

Gordon Duff