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Gordon Duff

MH17: Another Israeli Cover Up?

The latest disaster, one that has scrubbed Israel’s bizarre onslaught into Gaza off newspaper front pages, 298 dead, can be nothing but more than yet another cover up operation. Every news asset, every politico known to be a creature of the Israeli/organized...
Gordon Duff

MH17 and America’s Deceitful Game

America claims “evidence is being tampered with.” Who would know better than America? After 9/11, the evidence, not just the dirt itself, enriched with uranium and plutonium, taken to a landfill, but the scant remains of the twin towers, sold to China, never...

Gordon Duff

So, You Want to Know the Truth About 9/11?

In recent weeks, intelligence agencies of France, Russia and Britain along with key members of the UN’s nuclear non-proliferation organization, the IAEA, have leaked critical documents outlining not only that 9/11 was a nuclear event but the science and...

Gordon Duff