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Gordon Duff

America’s Missed Opportunity In Syria

We begin with two issues that have come to light in the last week. The first involved the CIA Syria destabilization program that congress is voting to partially defund. It seems that the CIA has been operating with a $5 bn budget to arm separatist groups...

Gordon Duff

Building a Nuclear Case Against the Saudis

In recent months, reliable sources within the international NPP (Nuclear Non-Proliferation community have confirmed the use of tactical nuclear weapons in first Eastern Ukraine and now Yemen. Even when broad documentation is offered including but...

Gordon Duff

Middle East: A Look at Current Strategic Analysis

In the wake of the widely “alleged” nuclear explosion in Yemen and the curious lack of attention to this event in some circles, we have turned to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation community for a view of recent events. There is a special...

Gordon Duff