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Gordon Duff

British Overload, a Nation Drowning in Lies

The British are a patient people, perhaps to a fault. Long before 9/11 they traded their freedom for security over the decades long Ulster wars. The “milking” that starved and emptied Ireland during the so-called “potato famine”...

Gordon Duff

Policy by Lies, America’s Descent Into Insanity

Few Americans know what they have lost. Few understand to what extent they have been victimized by something far beyond a police state, far beyond simple surveillance, far beyond the obvious loss or rights and privacy that some accepted so...

Gordon Duff

The Upcoming Balkan Explosion

The Balkans have, for centuries, been a tinderbox. In August 1914, it was the Balkans and a cascade of happenstance events that sent the world to what was imagined then to be the most devastating war possible. That war was the result of...

Gordon Duff