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Gordon Duff

Insanity and the Art of Trump’s Deal

The word is out. World leaders that come to America’s Florida “White House,” are there to make deals, not deals with the United States mind you, but deals with Donald Trump, the con man, the cheat, the narcissist, the Donald Trump now...

Gordon Duff

The Strange Case of Tulsi Gabbard and other Tales of Terror

In 1968, Democratic Senator Robert Kennedy, an anti-war candidate, was the front-runner in the presidential race. The party had revolted against President Johnson, forcing him to drop out of contention, and America got behind...

Gordon Duff

Blitzkrieg: When Air Defense Means Aggression

I March, 2017, Israel launched a series of air assaults on Syria. One attack near the ancient city of Palmyra brought about a series of events we will deal with today. The implications for modern warfare not only change the rules...

Gordon Duff