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Gordon Duff

“New Think” and America’s Fake Gas War

Events during the spring of 2018, and we are speaking about the accusations against Russia and Syria involving the use of chemical warfare weapons, has opened a new page in history. Russia’s Foreign Minister, Lavrov, complains that former levels of lying and propagandizing, always...

Gordon Duff

Boris Johnson and His Skripal Lies, Only a Symptom

When the British Foreign Ministry announced on April 3, 2018 that there was in fact no evidence of a chemical weapon of any origin in the real or imagined incident in Salisbury, we entered a new realm of unreality. Simply put, not only did British Foreign Minister Boris Johnson...

Gordon Duff

Mueller and Trump, Why Russia Didn’t Do It

Analysis of the Mueller investigation has shown what too many of us have known all along. Former FBI Director Robert Mueller is just another “useful idiot.” His Russia investigation is simply a coverup of the real rigging of the American…
Gordon Duff