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Gordon Duff

Will Israel Be on the Table at the Trump-Putin Summit

Israeli planes have been bombing Syria and, less publicly, the Houthi regions of Yemen, using “roundabout” routes to evade air defenses. This, in itself, is not controversial. However, what is controversial is reports that Israel has been operating out of bases inside both Saudi...

Gordon Duff

UN Poverty Report Slams America

The recent UN report on American poverty goes much further, indicting the political system as well, citing hidden efforts that have allowed dictatorial control of elections and “rule by the rich.” “There is covert disenfranchisement, which includes the dramatic gerrymandering of electoral...

Gordon Duff

Will Americans Serving Inside Syria Face Prison at Home?

When governments decided to advance policies through mercenaries, private military contractors and terror groups, it was assumed that those who made the decisions that have led to the deaths of millions and a series of upheavals that has turned half a continent into refugees...

Gordon Duff