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Gordon Duff

America, the Tyranny of the Stupid

People around the world are convinced that the United States is a nation run by criminal psychopaths and morons. A greater fear is that world leaders mistakenly assume that their American counterparts who do and say insane things continually are, in actuality, normal people operating...

Gordon Duff

Russia Gate Fakery: The Fox in the Hen House

Events beginning August 21, 2018, the conviction of former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort and the guilty plea by Trump’s attorney, Michael Cohen, have, despite Trump’s denials, put Russia again under the gun. Admittedly, nations have always interfered with the internal affairs...

Gordon Duff

US Uses UK Press for Fake “Shock and Awe” Against Iran

America has chosen to go to war on Iran using “fear porn” tactics peddled through British tabloids. The current American war on Turkey has crushed their currency, a war Erdogan says is simply a part of the US backed coup against him that began in 2016. Pakistan under President...

Gordon Duff