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Gordon Duff

Outbreak: A World Threatened by Proliferation

By the end of the summer of 2018, an unreported standoff between the US and Russia began over alleged biological and chemical weapon production facilities in Georgia and other states bordering on Russia. Key to understanding the issue is understanding the mechanisms of enforcement...

Gordon Duff

America Has Become Even More Dangerous

The confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh by the US Senate may seem unremarkable to the three dozen or so nations now targeted by US sanctions and impending “color revolutions.” The list has expanded, India, China and Russia of course, but in truth, there is no end to the list. The issue...

Gordon Duff

Moscow Moves in to Provide a Counterweight to Israeli Behind-the-scenes Steps in Azerbaijan

On September 28, 2018 Russia’s Pravda news outlet published a story titled; “Putin in Azerbaijan: Israel will have to leave Moscow’s Sphere of Influence.” The story itself was sketchy on details of the exchange. “Russian President Vladimir Putin came to Baku to...

Gordon Duff