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Gordon Duff

Murdering the Truth is Terrorism

The New York Times, in early December 2018, ran a 5000-word article outlining how Russian propaganda, supported by independent media, has destroyed America’s understanding of what is real and true. This time I wasn’t cited personally as last year when Newsweek, the Washington Post, Politico...

Gordon Duff

Interference, if it Only Were Russia

What happened in America during the last presidential election and, to an extent, during the recent mid-term elections, is now starting to materialize in Europe as well. It isn’t just election rigging and propaganda. America’s government processes are at a standstill while congress and the legal system look for ways to jail Donald Trump for dozens...

Gordon Duff

Why is “Intelligence” the Mother of All Stupidity?

When listening to political leaders in the West, particularly when describing Syria or “Palestinian terrorists” or the threat from Russia and China, for those with critical thinking ability the statements heard are puzzling. One can’t help but ask, “How do humans get this stupid? One might also ask, “How do they get elected to public office in supposedly ‘freedom loving democracies’...

Gordon Duff