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Gordon Duff

The Roots of Trump’s Militarism

Little is spoken of today, particularly as Trump, Bolton and Pompeo are threatening war on three continents simultaneously, but the failure of diplomacy and the primacy of militarism. Problem is, those who drive these insane policies control and even own the “engines of reason and dissent.” Eisenhower described this process as he saw it...

Gordon Duff

Social Psychopathy and Tyranny

Something spoken of only in whispers is talk of a military coup in Washington. Few are aware of the factions in America’s military such as “Dominionists” who run the Air Force or did until former Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel and Chairman JCOS Marty Dempsey “eliminated them.” You see, since the 1980s, religious extremism took root in America’s service...

Gordon Duff

The End of Summers

Americans are taught to honor or blame based on “generations.” The “greatest generation,” America, the Soviet Union, Britain and so many other nations banded together during the last century to save mankind from a descent into tyranny and madness. Millions died, and that generation is almost gone, its greatness and failings passed on to what Americans...

Gordon Duff