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Dmitry Bokarev

Opportunities for LNG Trade between Japan and Russia

Liquefied natural gas (LNG is currently the most promising type of hydrocarbon product on the market. It became popular as a cleaner alternative to traditional hydrocarbon fuels, as burning natural gas releases less pollution into the atmosphere, and it can be easily transported to any corner of the world in liquefied form, without having to lay a pipeline...

Dmitry Bokarev

Rosatom in Asia: There is Trust in Russia

The Russian Federation is one of the world’s leaders in the nuclear industry. Its nuclear power plants (NPPs are renowned for their effectiveness, safety and reasonable costs. These benefits have made nuclear technology supplied by Russia very popular among nations that require large quantities of energy for their needs but that cannot afford to put...

Dmitry Bokarev

Russia Consolidates its Positions in the Indian Oil and Gas Sectors

Russia is known to be India’s largest defense technology partner. But besides defense, the two states also cooperate in other areas which are no less important, such as oil and gas. India is Asia’s third largest economy and the sixth-largest economy in the world. The country needs...

Dmitry Bokarev